When choosing a tankerman school, there are many options, but few compare to the program we offer at AccuTRANS. We have designed our training to benefit trainees both on and off the clock and to reflect our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.
At AccuTRANS, we have been the industry gold standard in tankerman training for 25 years thanks to the late, great Mr. David C. Foreman. Our world-class service is only possible because of our world-class people. Learn what to expect from our training in our blog.
What Can You Expect From the AccuTRANS Tankerman School?
When you enroll in the AccuTRANS tankerman school, there are a few aspects of the process to be aware of.
Throughout the training, trainees are W-2 employees, paid hourly, and receive pay bumps as they pass the different phases. With other schools, they are 1099 employees. AccuTRANS also covers the cost of training, which can cost trainees over $10,000.
Trainees don’t have hard timelines for when they need to pass the various stages of training because everyone has different levels of experience and learns at different paces. If trainees and trainers clash, we find a trainer they get along better with.
Trainees can also expect a personal development plan, one-on-ones with trainers, in-the-field assessments, and written exams. When it is time to go out in the field, we pair trainees with a mentor until they are prepared to perform transfers alone.
We also support them in obtaining their PIC endorsement by completing and submitting their applications for them.
What Will You Learn at the AccuTRANS Tankerman School?
When you enroll in our tankerman school, the core topics we cover include terminology, safety, barge handling, materials handling, and the velocity course. Each of these is essential to your success in the field.
Tankerman Terminology
In tankerman school, you can first expect to learn basic and advanced terminology, concepts, and verbiage that you need to know on the job. This phase involves online training that includes aids like diagrams to help.
Tankerman Safety
Safety is our top priority, and we ensure each trainee learns everything they need to maintain their safety in the field. We provide advanced safety training to every tankermen. We also provide firefighting training as part of the safety component of our school.
Tankermen can also expect to learn how to maintain a safe work environment, emergency management training, what kind of equipment to use, how to use equipment, and more.
Barge & Materials Handling
Our tankerman school provides extensive barge and materials handling training led by the most knowledgeable people in the industry.
We simulate conditions tankermen face in the field in our state-of-the-art facility that features an indoor training barge. Another component of this training is helping our people obtain their PIC DIC and LG endorsement.
To get this qualification, tankermen must take extensive training in safely transferring dangerous liquids and liquefied gasses. We support tankermen while they get this endorsement by taking care of all their paperwork so they can focus on learning.
Velocity Course
One of the most unique components of our tankerman school is our velocity course, which teaches how tankermen how to be better people to be better employees.
This covers emotional intelligence to better understand what you feel, how you react to situations, and how to thrive and work in the tankerman environment. It also teaches how to manage your environment, communicate, and work with others.
You can also expect to learn concepts like perception vs. reality, cognitive dissonance, and more for success both on the clock and at home.
Interested in a Career as a Tankerman? Enroll in Our Tankerman School Today!
Are you looking for an exciting career as a tankerman in a world-class organization? If so, enrolling in our tankerman school could be a great opportunity. We are committed to supporting each member of the AccuTRANS family in living out our core values: Grit, Heart, Thought, Hunger, and Health. If that sounds like you, then you will be a great addition to our team. We are also proudly celebrating our 25th anniversary. We continue to be the industry gold standard, which would be impossible without our people.
To learn what’s new at AccuTRANS, browse our blog. If you are interested in joining the team and experiencing the leading culture, browse open shore tankerman jobs.